Encoders for joystick applications

Precision and repeatability

Joystick applications in shipping, in disability vehicles, in industrial environments and for controlling construction machinery place special demands on the rotary encoders used. High accuracy and absolute reliability across the entire product lifespan are essential – errors or outages could put lives at risk.

Precision and repeatability need to be guaranteed, even under harsh conditions. This means that the rotary encoder has to meet high standards when it comes to robustness and the seal.

Joysticks are often used in battery-powered, mobile remote control systems. Low power consumption is important here.

Sensors for joystick applications

Mini rotary encoders and low power consumption

A notable feature of joystick applications is that the axis of rotation is usually close to the upper wall of the housing. For angle measurement, rotary encoders need to be compact and to feature a measuring system that is located as close as possible to the periphery.

Contactless rotary encoders designed with multiple redundancy, as found in Contelec’s Vert-X series, are perfect for joystick applications. The product range includes particularly compact mini rotary encoders and very low-power models.

Products for joystick applications