Rotary encoder for motor feedback

Precise speed measurement

Incremental rotary encoders are used for precise measurement of the rotational speed of electric motors (motor feedback). Traditionally, these work with an optical measuring method based on a perforated disk that rotates between a light diode and two photodetectors. Accuracy, however, is limited, and the perforated disk, the light diode and the photodetectors have to be exactly aligned – the measuring method is not tolerant of misalignment.

Magnetic measuring method rather than optical

Contelec’s Vert-X MH-S technology eliminates the disadvantages of optical measurement. Incremental rotary encoders produced by Contelec use a magnetic, completely non-contacting measuring method instead.

Wear-free incremental rotary encoders

In incremental rotary encoders with Vert-X MH-S technology, a flat, external sensor records the speed of the main shaft. There is no mechanical contact between the shaft and the sensor. All that is needed is for a thread to be added to the main shaft so that the magnetic actuator can be attached. The encoders achieve a resolution of up to 1024 ppr.

At the same time, the MH-S rotary encoders are totally wear-free and resistant to dust, humidity, dampness, vibrations and jolts. Depending on the design and installation of the position encoder, the non-contacting method also copes well with axial and radial misalignment of up to several millimeters, offering high installation tolerance.

Products for motor feedback