Rotary encoder for measurement instruments
Sensor technology for small spaces
Measurement technology applications involve very high integration of the components – a measurement instrument contains numerous sensors and mechanical elements in a small space. At the same time, only sensors with the highest possible accuracy are considered for measurement technology applications.
Take, for example, a 3D probe for the multidimensional measurement of surfaces: the object is to achieve maximum accuracy and repeatability of travel to the index positions of the probe head along the x and y axes and ensure mechanical locking in order to determine the precise z distance at each position. While potentiometric solutions enable index positions with 5 degree spacing, Contelec has used Vert-X MH-C2 technology to develop a solution that increases precision to 2.5 degrees and prevents the signal from being distorted by the magnetic fields of the probe’s motors.
Support with integration into your measurement instrument
Contelec’s standard program includes miniature rotary encoders such as the Vert-X 13, a highly compact yet high-precision rotary sensor that is tailored to measurement technology applications.
Our experienced Contelec engineers support customers with integrating the sensors into the measuring instrument – for precision, repeatability and reliability in the smallest of spaces.